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Hook-It-All Extra Strength Fishing Hooks

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Inventory icon of Hook-It-All Extra Strength Fishing Hooks

2 × 2
Stack: 300

These sturdy fishing hooks are perfect for recovering the red instrument bag misplaced by the Royal Musician Alliance Maestro. You will need both the hooks and a Fishing Rod to go fishing.

Used by the Fishing skill to catch various items during the Enchanted Music Box Event (2019).

The bait feeder can only be equipped on the left hand when a fishing tool is already equipped on the right. The player's left hand appears empty if equipped with a bait feeder and only the fishing tool is visible in the player's right hand.

For information and individual articles on fishing baits, see Category:Fishing Baits.


Requires a fishing tool to be equipped.
Cannot be stored in pets or sold at shop.

Methods to Obtain