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Erg Catalyst

From Mabinogi World Wiki
(Redirected from Erg Max Unlock Catalyst)

Lv. <number> Erg Infusion Catalyst

Level 20 Erg Infusion Catalyst Description
Erg Information after Catalysing
Inventory icon of Erg Catalyst

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A catalyst that infuses enough Erg to get a weapon to Erg Level <number>. Can only be used on weapons that support Erg. Cannot be used on weapons that are already Erg Lvl <number> or higher. Be careful, as infused items become personalized to you.



  • Sets the Current Level of the Erged item Rank S, to the specified level number.
    • Sets the Max Level of the Erged item to the next available breakpoint.
    • Warning: Reset the Current Level EXP to 0
  • Can be used on an item with no current Erg (assuming the item allows Erg infusion).
  • Cannot be used if the item already has a higher Current Level.
    • Can be used if the item is equal to the specified level number, however this will reset the EXP value to 0.
  • Only applicable to Rank S Erg.

Methods to Obtain

See Also

Erg Max Lv. <number> Unlock Catalyst

Inventory icon of Erg Catalyst

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A catalyst that allows an item's Erg to reach a Max Level of <number>. Can only be used on weapons that support Erg enhancement. Cannot be used on weapons that have reached Erg Level <number> or higher, or that already have Erg Max Level <number> unlocked. Use with care, as infused items will become personalized to you.



  • Sets the Max Level of the Erged item to Rank S, to the specified level number.
    • Does not modify the Current Level or the EXP.
    • Cannot be used if the specified Erg Max Level number is already unlocked.
  • Only applicable to Rank S Erg.

Methods to Obtain

List of Available Catalysts

Level Erg Infusion Catalyst.png
Infusion Catalyst
Erg Infusion Catalyst.png
Max Unlock Catalyst
10 Lv. 10 Erg Infusion Catalyst
11 Lv. 11 Erg Infusion Catalyst
12 Lv. 12 Erg Infusion Catalyst
13 Lv. 13 Erg Infusion Catalyst
14 Lv. 14 Erg Infusion Catalyst
15 Lv. 15 Erg Infusion Catalyst
16 Lv. 16 Erg Infusion Catalyst
17 Lv. 17 Erg Infusion Catalyst
18 Lv. 18 Erg Infusion Catalyst
19 Lv. 19 Erg Infusion Catalyst
20 Lv. 20 Erg Infusion Catalyst
30 Lv. 30 Erg Infusion Catalyst Erg Max Lv. 30 Unlock Catalyst
35 Erg Max Lv. 35 Unlock Catalyst