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Enchanting Sequences/Shuriken

From Mabinogi World Wiki
Name Rank Enchants Onto
Desert Spider Prefix, A Two-handed Weapons
Hidden Prefix, A All
Metal Needle Prefix, A Metal Equipment, Metal Weapons
Lion Hunter's Prefix, A Weapons
Fearless Prefix, A All
Rising Prefix, A Shuriken
Firm Prefix, A Two-handed Weapons
Hesitant Prefix, A Weapons
Bear Hunter Prefix, A Weapons
Untamed Prefix, A Two-handed Weapons
Reliable Prefix, A Weapons
Hamster Prefix, A All
8th Anniversary Water Drop Prefix, A All
Intricate Prefix, A Weapons
Colorful Prefix, A All
Engineer's Prefix, 9 All
Stunning Prefix, 9 Weapons
Oblivion Prefix, 9 All
Incubus Prefix, 9 Weapons
Magical Prefix, 9 All
Pain Prefix, 9 All
Amnesia Prefix, 9 All
Silver Fox Prefix, 9 Metal Weapons, Metal Equipment
Contemplate Prefix, 9 All
Stiff Prefix, 9 Weapons
Nostalgic Prefix, 9 All
Weird Prefix, 9 Weapons
Dice Battler's Prefix, 9 All
Secretive Prefix, 8 Weapons
Awkward Prefix, 8 Weapons
Demi Lich Prefix, 8 Two-handed Weapons
Golem Hunter's Prefix, 8 Weapons
Edgy Prefix, 8 All
Land Prefix, 8 Weapons
Brainstorm Prefix, 8 All
Maddening Prefix, 7 All
Fantastic Prefix, 7 All
Elven Prefix, 7 All
Industrious Prefix, 7 Weapons
Lich Prefix, 7 Two-handed Weapons
Deadly Prefix, 7 Weapons
Arc Lich's Prefix, 6 Weapons
Admirable Prefix, 6 Weapons
Necromancer Prefix, 6 Two-handed Weapons
Fatal Prefix, 6 Weapons
Respectful Prefix, 5 Weapons
Shadow Hunter's Prefix, 5 Weapons
Yellow Scar Prefix, 5 Weapons
Green Scar Prefix, 4 Weapons
Conqueror Prefix, 4 Two-handed Weapons
Duke Prefix, 4 Weapons
Clashing Prefix, 4 Two-handed Weapons
Banshee Prefix, 3 Weapons
Scrap Prefix, 3 Weapons
Golem Prefix, 3 Weapons
Red Scar Prefix, 3 Weapons
Black Scar Prefix, 2 Weapons
Wild Ninja Prefix, 1 Shuriken
Name Rank Enchants Onto
Healer Suffix, A All
Water Drop Suffix, A All
Cherry Blossom Suffix, A Shuriken
Shining Suffix, A All
Earnest Suffix, A All
Burst Knight Suffix, A Metal Weapons, Metal Equipment
Barbarian Suffix, A Two-handed Weapons
Fighter Suffix, A All
Stimulating Suffix, A Two-handed Weapons
Merciless Suffix, A All
Violent Suffix, A Two-handed Weapons
Energetic Suffix, A Weapons
Breeze Suffix, A All
Thief Suffix, A All
8th Anniversary Droplet Suffix, A All
Hawthorn Tree Suffix, A All
Poison Hunter's Suffix, A All
Fierce Suffix, A Two-handed Weapons
Tireless Suffix, A Weapons
Cruel Suffix, A All
Tragic Suffix, A All
Gamer Suffix, 9 All
Lethal Suffix, 9 Two-handed Weapons
Rainbow Suffix, 9 Weapons
Cherished Suffix, 9 Instruments, Weapons
Easy Peaca Suffix, 9 Metal Weapons, Metal Armor
Agile Suffix, 9 Weapons
Scary Suffix, 9 Metal Weapons, Metal Equipment
Dangerous Suffix, 9 Metal Weapons, Metal Equipment
Embracing Suffix, 9 All
Faultless Suffix, 9 Shuriken
Destruction Suffix, 9 Two-handed Weapons
Crow Suffix, 9 Weapons
Serious Suffix, 9 Metal Weapons, Metal Equipment
Muscular Suffix, 8 Metal Weapons, Metal Equipment
Girgashiy Suffix, 8 Two-handed Weapons
Windmill Suffix, 8 Weapons
Mana Witch Suffix, 8 All
Counter Suffix, 8 Weapons
Weaving Suffix, 8 All
Raging Suffix, 8 Weapons
Poison Ranger's Suffix, 8 All
Nature Suffix, 8 Weapons
Rough Suffix, 8 Two-handed Weapons
Smash Suffix, 8 Weapons
Camellia Tree Suffix, 8 All
Possibility Suffix, 8 Weapons
Restorative Suffix, 8 All
Prophetic Suffix, 8 Weapons
Crocodile Suffix, 7 Two-handed Weapons
Crackling Suffix, 7 Weapons
Mana Wizard Suffix, 7 All
Ardent Suffix, 7 All
Frostbitten Suffix, 7 Weapons
Electric Suffix, 7 Weapons
Wyvern Suffix, 7 Weapons
Rising Star Suffix, 7 Weapons
Burst Warrior Suffix, 7 All
Wizard Suffix, 6 Weapons
Charismatic Suffix, 6 Weapons
Burst Fighter Suffix, 6 All
Cavalier Suffix, 6 Weapons
Complete Suffix, 5 Weapons
Spike Suffix, 5 Weapons
Stamp Suffix, 5 Weapons
67th Floor Suffix, 4 Two-handed Weapons
Downburst Suffix, 4 Two-handed Weapons
Stellar Suffix, 4 Shuriken
Meteoroid Suffix, 4 Two-handed Weapons
Corrib Suffix, 4 Two-handed Weapons
Divide Suffix, 3 Two-handed Weapons