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"The Rabbit"

From Mabinogi World Wiki

"The Rabbit"

Name "The Rabbit"
Family Outlaw
Fynni Catching X
A mugger who was permanently transformed into a rabbit due to a spell gone terribly awry. Though now unable to recall even his own name, he has nonetheless gained a notorious reputation for his intense greed and fighting spirit. Carrots will not avail you here.


—Wanted Board

  • Also known as "Alpha Carotene".




  • The Title that appears when attempting to apprehend "The Rabbit" is Alpha Carotene.
    • Alpha Carotene is one of the pigments responsible for making common Carrots orange in color.
      • Beta Carotene is more well-known as being responsible for the color of common Carrots; that said, Alpha Carotene was likely an intentional choice as "The Rabbit" is known to be hostile and demanding.

