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Spirit Gems

From Mabinogi World Wiki
(Redirected from Spirit Gems (100))


Inventory icon of Spirit Gems

2 × 2
Stack: 1,000

Spirit Gems that pulse with an ethereal energy.
They have the power to increase Spirit EXP by - when given to a Spirit.
Cannot be given to Classic Spirit Weapons, and are affected by spirit bond bonuses and weekly EXP gains.


  • Comes in varied EXP-giving amounts:
    • 100
    • 500
    • 1,000
    • 1,200
    • 1,500

Used In

Methods to Obtain

  • Elite Shadow Missions
    • 100 EXP Variant x10~20 (Lucky x30)
  • Advanced Uladh Dungeons
    • 100 EXP Variant x10~20 (Lucky x30)
  • Lord Shadow Missions
    • 500 EXP Variant x4~10 (Lucky x15)
  • Hard Mode Uladh Dungeons
    • 500 EXP Variant x4~10 (Lucky x15)
  • Abyss Dungeons
    • 500 EXP Variant x4~10 (Lucky x15)
  • Veteran Dungeons
    • 1000 EXP Variant x2~6 (Lucky x8)
  • Crom Bás
    • 1000 EXP Variant x2?~6? (Lucky x8?)
    • 1500 EXP Variant x2?~6? (Lucky x8?)