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(Redirected from Mischievous Logan)
Portrait of LoganFile:Logan.png
Race Human
Gender Male
Occupation Squire
Location Avalon Gate
Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5
30 100 70 100 100
Specialty: Squire Dexterity.png Dexterity
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He watches you with a warm gaze that melts away animosity. His entire manner seems too gentle for the battlefield, soft like his hair. But his body is firm with muscle and resolve. Despite his kindness, he is clearly a well-trained warrior.

Logan is a reliable person as if he were a big brother. Behind his gentle and kind demeanor, Logan has his own troubles. Kanna commented that his gloominess can be scary.


See Here for more information.


For the script of Logan's quests, see Logan/Special Quests.

Mainstream Story




  • Logan is an excellent cook, and is generally responsible for cooking most of the meals at the Avalon Gate.
    • Logan does not reveal his own preference in food, though he will reveal the other squires' preferences.
  • Logan started training later than the other squires.
  • Logan once lost someone he loved.
  • Eirlys considers him fourth in strength, saying he is reliable but how sharp your skills matters most as a knight.
  • His tastes in fashion are like an old man according to Dai.
  • His birthday is Lughnasadh (Thursday)
