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dark knights' PD changed?

dark knights' PD changed?

My friend and I were messing around in a duel, and he spammed AR while I was in trans. I got hit around 20 times without having natural shield's 100% auto-defense kick in once. Did the activation rate of DK PDs/the auto defense rate change or is it just glitchy?

Yinato10:34, 7 May 2012

Unfortunately, due to the nature of DKs, Passive defensives are subjected to the multipler bonuses, resulting in reduced rates.

Edit: I'm going into Rabbie Arena to test far most of the Japanese players say that it's something about DK's multiplier bonuses. I have rank F, but enough to rank it to about A maybe? maybe less, so I'll see what happens.

o.e I apparently forgot my login for the other server...

S•A•R•I•A13:50, 7 May 2012

Wait, Falcon/Paladins don't get activation on all three Passive Defenses like Dark Knight/Beast but the ones that do activate are more rapid-activating? (Or did you mean transformation Passive Defenses in general?)

Pyro - (Talk)18:19, 7 May 2012

This only happened since the update that removed the knuckles btw.

Yinato18:47, 7 May 2012

o.e if it's update related, then it is most likely broken...

S•A•R•I•A18:51, 7 May 2012

May I recommend you write all your log-ins/passwords in a password protected encrypted file and hide it well with some obscure name.

Pyro - (Talk)14:13, 7 May 2012

Yeah I know. Lost it in a computer crash though o.e.

Looks like NA servers are back up so gonna test DK passives.

S•A•R•I•A14:25, 7 May 2012

I forgot to add in that my friend was firebolt spamming on the side whenever I got too close, and MD didn't kick in either o-e; Either way, both PDs wouldn't get the crap end of the stick. Only HS was active.

Yinato15:49, 7 May 2012

Ranks of Passives? (Have yet to test DK multiplier theory)

S•A•R•I•A16:00, 7 May 2012

r1 HS, MD, and r5 NS

Yinato17:33, 7 May 2012

DK's PDs were also subject to multipliers too? Since when? Wiki makes no mention of it.

Infodude57518:12, 7 May 2012

Well that's just Mikaya's theory on it. Let her test it out.

Yinato18:46, 7 May 2012

I'd test it myself but Wifi o.e...

at any rate, I would think it would be the case considering it's a DK thing...DK has always been interesting for me. They have akward stat boosts to begin with...and the passives...yeah...them passives when they get active.

S•A•R•I•A18:50, 7 May 2012

Multiple Tests show that it should activate 100 percent of the time. This was done with 60 runs in the arena. I have yet to check PVP. Think you can explain what exactly happened? Did you trans during pvp?

S•A•R•I•A22:02, 7 May 2012
My friend and I were messing around in a duel, and he spammed AR while I was in trans.


Yup, we both ended up using trans halfway into it. We're both DKs, and he didn't seem to ping against magic, but did for range and melee. On the other hand, I only pinged against melee. It may have been fixed with the recent update? I'll test later today.

Yinato03:56, 8 May 2012

Due to the nature of Mabinogi, they don't need an update to fix glitches like that. Translations, mistranslations, hack shield errors, visual errors, those require an update. However, they may still need to turn off the server for certain glitch fixes.

Pyro - (Talk)04:02, 8 May 2012

I did not see the duel part x.x...anyways sounds bugged from the update. or it could be visual errors. You didn't get knocked back did you?

S•A•R•I•A13:36, 8 May 2012

Whenever I got hit by arrows or bolt spells, I wouldn't hear any pinging sounds. As for the knockback, I was still getting pushed back from the second shot of AR (friend was using wing bow). I'm about to head home so I'll test it later tonight.

Yinato14:56, 8 May 2012

I just tested it and the PD activation seems to be back to normal now.

Yinato18:35, 8 May 2012