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A Separate Page for Auto-Defense

A Separate Page for Auto-Defense

I think people are starting to think that passive defense is the same as auto defense >>; A separate page should probably be made, seeing as passive defenses are skills while auto-defense comes from equipment. The only things the two defenses share in common is the color that you'd "ping" and the lvl 1 damage and stun reduction of PDs is the same as auto-defense (but that changes in lvl 2 and 3). You can't become immune to damage from auto-defense alone, and range/magic auto-defense are different from the PD counterparts.

The only time PDs would be mentioned on the auto-defense page is when calculating melee auto-defense and how there's a 100% activation rate with the other 2 PDs.

Yinato07:17, 3 May 2012