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I don't really understand some parts of it. What did W.S. mean "wait for Bella"? Why does W.S. need a body to rebirth? Heck, why can't he ask Dougal for his? Why don't you fight Grim and Bran simultaneously?!

Infodude57501:44, 3 December 2011

Well, wait for Bella is basically foreshadowing G16, I assume. Shaky needs Shylock to leave Erinn (by going into the Book of Golvan) so he can rebirth into Shylock's exact appearance to fool Morry for good. (Although, DevCAT seems to have forgotten that they said that Morry turned to stone. Evidently broken by her being in Alby much less Erinn.) Assuming this isn't a joke, Dougal doesn't know Shaky and vice verca. Dougal just knows of Shaky. As for your last question, I have no idea, but that would've been a good idea.

Pyro - (Talk)02:38, 3 December 2011

I don't see why he chose Shylock though. He's a Milletian, so he can change his appearance at will.

Also, Dougal said he didn't need his body, and I think its possible Shaky foresaw him at one point since he DID meet almost every main character in the Storyline and foresaw Nao and the Milletians.

Infodude57510:33, 3 December 2011

Morrighan would notice if there were two Shylocks.

Pyro - (Talk)18:41, 3 December 2011

rebirth would have to go through soul stream which is seen by Morrighan so he just took shylock's

Fallenonesigniture.PNG19:43, 3 December 2011

He DID try rebirthing after Shylock went into Golvan's story though.

Couldn't he have chosen someone else to rebirth into? Or better yet, rebirth using the "random" button.

Infodude57519:53, 3 December 2011

But then Morrighan would see "Oh, new Milletian! Another one for me to kill! Let me remember him/her."

Pyro - (Talk)20:00, 3 December 2011

Would she know that's Shakespeare though? :P

Capturing Shaky is her priority. The blood of the Milletians is a secondary task.

Infodude57520:13, 3 December 2011

Still, though, she wants Milletians out. If she can't find Shakespeare, she'd settle for getting all the Milletians. And since Shylock isn't Milletian, he would be safe. At least, until she decides to Massacre the Tuatha de Danann too.

Pyro - (Talk)20:54, 3 December 2011

Doppelganger Shakespeare? :D

Infodude57523:52, 3 December 2011