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Ruairi?'s japanese'll get it as you live in the asian parts of the US...more specifically areas where large amounts of japanese/chinese/asian people live...e-e

You may also get it from watching a rather insane amount of anime...I mean, I got before I even heard of "Anime," which I called Asian cartoons at the time...I'm for the flames to come at me.

まそっぷ ! (talk)20:51, 13 July 2013

New York Asians don't act like that for all I know. Or maybe I stay home too much and Mabi

Anyway, here [1] Ruairi's wearing the same armor as BDK no? And wasn't it established that this picture would be spoiler content? Why is it left out in the open for Ruairi's page? Also the BDK took off his helmet (I forgot where I saw it) and he had red hair.

鍾国豪-BIassreiter (talk)21:22, 13 July 2013

Hawaiian Asians don't either. My parents don't too.

I have no idea who left that picture there...

Infodude575 (talk)21:24, 13 July 2013

I probably got it from my friends, who are from akihabara, or close to it. x.x...aww well...

on topic, That could mean anything o-o. I mean Ruairi could have his own reasons. and yes, he does have red hair.

まそっぷ ! (talk)21:35, 13 July 2013