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Talk:Advanced Play Service

From Mabinogi World Wiki

List of Services

I don't know how to make a list on the wiki yet, so i'll post the information here. Full Recovery Potion, Dye Ampoule, Recovery Booster, Party Phoenix Feather, Waxen Wings of Goddess, Skill Reset Capsule, Camp Kit, Remote Coupons (Bank, Healer, Blacksmith, Tailor), Advanced Phoenix Feather, Tendering Potion, Campfire Kit --Zkin 18:39, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

Link to Mabinogi Premium Shop


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Old Service Options merger107:56, 7 August 2011

Old Service Options merger

Is it all right if I merge all the old service option pages into one and call it like "Old Service Options" or "Expired Service Options" or something like that just for history's sake? I don't like seeing them all in the Game System category since they have been deprecated for quite a long time now.

Angevon (Talk)07:49, 7 August 2011

It would be a good idea considering it's been outdated for quite a while now. I'd just leave it as "Outdated" or "Old."

LexisMikaya07:56, 7 August 2011