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User talk:Geoffreykun

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Images312:56, 7 April 2014
Cached Images319:55, 10 April 2013

Please reupload your images somewhere indoors, without your Miku doll because it is somewhat distracting, in higher resolution if you can.

Nise Panda (talk)12:27, 7 April 2014

okay, my appologies. i will do that in an hour if that's okay.

Geoffreykun (talk)12:29, 7 April 2014

okay, i'll do it now. Is 200x200 better? -guild robe; normal dyes; hood up -no wings -no teeny -includes head?

Geoffreykun (talk)12:40, 7 April 2014

These are much better ty.

Nise Panda (talk)12:56, 7 April 2014

Cached Images

When reuploading images, the file will still show the cached version your browser has. Use the purge (arrow besides "View History" -> purge) to update your cache.

My appologies for my inexperience xD I haven't much of a clue on how to work this site, so if possible could someone link the provided images to the teeny hatsune miku? owo I had uploaded them but with no success haha

Geoffreykun (talk)17:02, 10 April 2013

Oh, nevermind. You're not talking about cached images.

By default, item pages look for .png file extensions by default. If you want them to look for .jpg, you will need to add |PreviewExt=jpg to the list of parameters of the item page's ClothingPreview template.

I see, thank you for your guidance owo and yea, the cache image thingy had worked earlier, thank you for the advice. My knowledge on online services still novice, I have much to learn >=D

Geoffreykun (talk)19:55, 10 April 2013